Scoil na Mainistr each, Cluain Tuaiscirt, Roscommon is a Catholic school which nurtures a positive, co-operative educational environment.
The school's board of management is properly constituted, meets regularly and receives updates on financial matters. The board upholds the characteristic spirit of the school and has a strong sense of community in which pupils, teachers, support staff, parents and the wider community work well together.
The board is committed to effective provision of education within the school and facilitates the formulation and adoption of policy documents as necessary. It has played an active role in the development of aspects of school policy including the enrolment policy, health and safety, code of discipline, anti-bullying and healthy eating policies. Curriculum policy is drafted by teams of teachers and at a later stage presented to the board for review and ratification. The board is conscious of its statutory obligations and ensures compliance with the Department of Education and Science regulations relating to matters such as the length of school day and year and promotion of pupils from class to class.
The B.O.M. consists of 8 members:
- 2 nominees appointed by the Bishop of Elphin, one of whom is the Chairperson.
- 2 teachers (The Principal Teacher and a representative elected by the staff).
- 2 parents elected by the parents body. (One who is a mother and one a father)
- 2 community representatives adopted by the other B.O.M members.
The members of the present B.O.M. are:
- Ronan Collier (Chairperson)
- Tony Hunt
- Therese Concannon (Principal)
- Lorraine Collins (Teachers Representative)
- Paul Kenny
- Olive Murray
- Jude Murphy
- Dymphna Trautt
All correspondence to members of the B.O.M. should be addressed to the Chairperson c/o Cloontuskert National School.
The school is affiliated to C.P.S.M.A.
Principal: Therese Concannon
Junior & Senior Infants Class: Sharon Feely
First, Second & Third Class: Mary Mulkeen
Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Class: Lorraine Collins
SET: Therese Concannon & Martina Mitchell
Special Needs Assistants: ​Martina Wallace & Sharon Grehan
Secretary: Miriam Banahan
Cleaner/Caretaker: Maura Hudson